What Actually Happens To Sanitary Bin Waste?

Sanitary bins are a legal requirement for any public washroom facility. Sanitary waste must be disposed of correctly and safely. You certainly don’t want any unwanted germs lingering around in your washroom! Placing all sanitary waste in the appropriate bin is essential for safe disposal.
But what happens once you’ve done your part incorrectly disposing of the waste? Learn how sanitary waste is safely managed and discarded to keep people safe from illness and prevent sewage pollution.

What Is Sanitary Waste?
Sanitary waste refers to used feminine hygiene products, used nappies, and liquid and solid human waste. These are all the nasties you want to ensure are well and truly disposed of! This is because this type of waste has the potential to spread harmful bacteria. It must be discarded correctly in public washrooms, medical environments, and the home.
By not correctly getting rid of this type of waste, you risk causing some seriously unpleasant illnesses that you’re better off without! Luckily, there are measures in place to ensure this doesn’t happen and steps you can take to keep yourself and others safe.
Why Is Proper Sanitary Waste Disposal So Important?
Correct disposal of sanitary waste is encouraged in both the home and in public bathrooms. But why is it so important? Sanitary waste is categorised as “offensive waste ". This sounds scary, but it sounds worse than it is! Offensive waste is simply a blanket term for any non-clinical waste that isn’t hazardous or potentially infectious to others. This means it doesn’t contain any pharmaceutical products. However, it does have the potential to cause illness if not disposed of properly.
Offensive waste can cause illness when mishandled. This includes eye infections, like conjunctivitis, and nasty bowel infections, like gastroenteritis. These are seriously unpleasant, so they want to be avoided wherever possible! Thankfully, they are entirely preventable if proper washroom waste management systems are in place. One thing’s for sure, though. You must only flush pee, paper, and poo down the loo!
How To Dispose Of This Waste At Home
Sanitary waste is professionally handled and discarded using specific sanitary waste bins in public bathrooms. But how should you manage your waste at home? It is relatively straightforward and nothing to worry about. Simply wrap up your sanitary products in their packaging and wrap them in toilet paper to ensure no leaks. You can then throw the used product away in a standard general waste bin, washing your hands thoroughly afterward. The most important thing is never to flush sanitary products down the toilet.
Why You Shouldn’t Just Flush It
Sanitary waste can cause illness due to the bacteria-rich substances on them, such as blood, faeces, and other bodily fluids. If this kind of waste gets into the sewerage system, then it has the potential to make its way into our oceans and waterways. There are certain items and substances that you MUST NOT flush down the toilet. These include:
● Sanitary products (pads,tampons, nappies, etc.)
● Cotton wool pads & earbuds
● Wet wipes
● Cigarette butts
● Paper towels
● Animal fats, oil, or grease
These products are not deemed safe to be in our sewerage systems. They can cause blockages and harm to these systems and the environment. You can even get friendly reminder signs on toilet cubicle doors to prompt people to dispose of their waste correctly.
How Often Should Sanitary Waste Be Collected?
Just as you would clean your bathroom regularly, sanitary waste bins should be frequently emptied of their contents. Sanitary bins in public washrooms operate with a no-touch method, so no one has to risk getting their hands dirty with any nasty germs! These bins should be lined with an antimicrobial bin liner to reduce bacteria and prevent foul odours in your bathroom. It is a requirement that they should be sanitised and serviced every 4-6 weeks by a trained professional. This will prevent the spread of any bloodborne infections.
So, What Happens Once Sanitary Waste Is Collected?
Offensive waste is considered low-risk to public health. Therefore it doesn’t have to be transported in the same way as dangerous goods. This makes disposal and management a lot more straightforward! Once sanitary bin waste has been collected, it must be recorded as waste transfer notes. You must keep this collection record for a minimum of two years.
Sanitary bin providers will collect waste and provide regular servicing. The waste should be transported in a yellow ‘tiger bag’ with broad black stripes to make it clearly identifiable. Once they have collected the offensive waste, it can legally be disposed of via incineration or landfill.
Now You’re Clued-Up On Sanitary Waste Disposable!
The most important thing to remember regarding sanitary waste is to dispose of it safely in an appropriate bin and wash your hands thoroughly. If you notice a public washroom does not offer the proper disposal bins for this kind of waste or notice a broken container, you should report it to the building or washroom manager.
If you want to upgrade your washroom sanitary disposal facilities, then contact Woosh today! Our sanitary bins are designed by women, for women, and offer the hygiene facilities everyone deserves.
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