We will Woosh washrooms faster, cleaner and greener. We’ll care more, do more and give more to ensure we’re the best. Along the way, we’ll show we’re human, with hearts, minds and an appetite for cheesy biscuits. We’ll build relationships that last and show kindness, whether it’s to the people we meet or the planet we live on.
Contact UsYo! I'm Keith the whale. I eat with my mouth open. Yes, my mouth gets full of water...you say yuk! But I say no! Thanks to Woosh and their non-harmful biodegradable chemicals, it tastes great.
Woosh get my vote. They really do care more, do more and give more.
HI! I'm a tree. Think of me as a sky scrapper of the natural world. I'm multi-talented. I've 2 snakes, an army of ants, 1 sloth and a toucan. Quite a little community really and I'm still standing thanks to Woosh who are rain forest friendly.
Hello! I'm a penguin, and I'm very relaxed... Why? Because Woosh's carbon footprint is so low I don't have to get all heated up campaigning. I'm just chilling out down south.
These days, it's a bit trendy to say how environmental you are. It's all a bit 'me too'. We aim to exceed all legislative requirements? Check. Invest in sustainable products? Check. Protect the vole population? Check.
At Woosh, we rarely hug trees. But we do want to be friends of the planet and think it's a beautiful place to hang out. So we use biodegradable chemicals. If they get into the water system, they'll break down. We rigorously assess our supply chain for green credentials.
We've also never harmed any voles.
In days gone by we all sent our waste to landfill…
Today, Woosh is proud to be doing things differently. A big ol’ cheers to our Waste to Energy scheme as the waste we collect doesn’t just disappear’. Instead, it’s transformed into energy to heat Poole Hospital.
We wanna make waste work smarter, not harder. By putting what was once thrown away to good use.
We all have a part to play in reducing the amount of plastic waste we generate. Not only do our Air Fresheners help by reducing plastic waste but they also don't contain any of those nasty CFC's and are the only Carbon footprint approved air fresheners.
They’re actually the only Carbon footprint approved air fresheners. Fancy, eh?
With anti-viral essential oils, we help create a lasting fragrance that isn't harmful to the planet.
The toughest environmental problems are the ones that can't be seen.
One of the worst is the “submerged problem” of abandoned fishing nets.
These nets, the world over, drift for months or years, ensnaring and killing helpless sea creatures such as whales, turtles, seals & other marine animals.
At Woosh we care about our environmental impact & all of our standard mats are made from regenerated solution dyed nylon.
This reduces the quantities of materials sent to landfill or discarded in the ocean.
We want to say ‘see ya later’ to landfills. We think it’s time to bin the idea of bins being the final destination. That’s why we’ve embraced a zero-to-landfill approach for our waste.
What does that mean? Simple: none of the waste we collect ends up buried in the ground.
Instead, we’re turning trash into treasure. Whether it’s being repurposed, recycled, or transformed into energy to power buildings, every bit of waste finds a smarter, greener future.
But *sigh*, It’s no small task.
In 2020, the UK generated a whopping 222.2 million tonnes of waste, and though landfill dependency has been reduced, 8.5 million tonnes still made its way there (Waste Managed).
The good news? Efforts like recycling and waste-to-energy are helping us move in the right direction. In fact, nearly 44.1% of household waste was recycled in 2022 (GOV.UK).With us, it’s not just your washrooms getting a green makeover - it’s the whole planet.
Who knew doing the right thing could feel so good?