Has Coronavirus Changed How Hygienic We Are?

Since finally coming out of the pandemic, do you feel cleaner than ever before? It's time we face the facts and accept that pre-pandemic; many of us were pretty lazy about basic hygiene. After all, what would happen if we didn’t wash our hands regularly? Well, it's safe to say we tempted fate, and now we know exactly what could happen; a global pandemic, local lockdowns and a new way of living entirely.
So, now that everyday life has forever been changed, one significant impact that we are excited about is the attitude change to how hygienic we are. But what exactly does this mean?
At Woosh Washrooms, we have pulled together the facts and statistics on our nation’s hygiene from a recent survey and why you shouldn’t let your newfound habits slip. You’ve been warned that some of the numbers here will shock you!
Hygiene Habits Pre-Pandemic
Let’s start by looking at life pre-pandemic and our old hygiene habits. Could we have prevented some of the spread of the coronavirus?
We think the best way to ensure we don’t fall back into old, bad habits is to shame ourselves so that we don’t repeat them. So, let’s dive in.
Disturbingly, 30% of Brits have admitted that they would sneeze into their hands pre-pandemic and not wash them afterwards. Similarly, 17% admitted to coughing into their hands without washing after. Does no one know the elbow technique?
If that’s not enough to gross you out, we have another couple of statistics that might be enough to make you never look at your colleagues the same way again.
In the UK, 65% of office workers would use their computer keyboards without washing or sanitising their hands (or desks) before or after use. Even less is the number of times that we would actively clean our keyboards or mice, and aren’t we all guilty of grabbing someone else's mouse or laptop to help them on a project quickly? This might not seem so bad, but what about when you consider that 19% of people would happily use public restrooms without washing their hands immediately after?
By now, you must be feeling as pretty green as we are, so let's look at how we have all improved since the pandemic hit!
The Evolution of our Hygiene Routines
In the middle of the global pandemic, we took necessary steps and precautions to curb the spread of the coronavirus as much as possible. So, what exactly did that look like?
Increase in Handwashing
It was found that one of the most critical ways we could limit the spread of Covid-19 was to wash our hands properly. Now, before the pandemic, this was just a touch of soap and a splash of water for many people. Until the NHS consistently pushed out handwashing guidelines that included advice such as washing your hands for the length of time it took to sing ‘Happy Birthday’.
To some, it may have sounded silly to sing a song while we washed our hands, but a lot of us listened, and it went from 11% of Brits washing their hands for 18-20 seconds to 25%. More than double!
During the pandemic, it was also a lot more common to see easily accessible hand washing or sanitisation stations around public spaces and offices, which contributed to the rise of people washing their hands more frequently. Many of these have been removed as the pandemic has eased, but we think they should stay put. Wouldn’t you agree?
Anxiety Over Public Washrooms & Spaces
Did you know that over 70% of people who liked to eat out regularly pre-pandemic no longer would if they weren’t confident in the establishment?
If the pandemic has proven one thing for hygiene, it is the importance of a high standard washroom, which has all the necessary facilities and is well-maintained and cleaned. This is more important now than ever before as the pandemic saw an increase of 45% of people who said they would avoid using a public bathroom.
So, what can you do to ensure your washroom is a space where people feel safe and comfortable?
Offering touch-free soap dispensers and hand dryers is an excellent first step in reducing germ spread and contamination. People feel more confident in using your facilities when this is an option. Another improvement to your washroom experience is to offer a hand sanitiser station. This is an added layer of protection appreciated since the pandemic, whether outside the washroom or in.
Continuing to be as Hygenic as Possible
From pre-pandemic to today, Brits have gone from washing their hands for an average of 13 seconds 5 times a day to 19 seconds 8 times a day. It has also been found that 50% of us use hand sanitiser and antibacterial gels more than ever.
So, how can we continue these good habits and improve these statistics despite a decrease in urgency around the pandemic?
We must not think that there could never be a repeat of a disaster like the coronavirus, and even more common illnesses can be easily prevented with more careful hygiene measures.
To do your part in curbing the spread of germs, don't forget to wash your hands regularly, keep areas routinely touched by yourself and others clean, and watch where you sneeze!
Most importantly for property owners and managers, you must ensure that the hygiene offered in communal spaces and washroom facilities is to a high standard. This is where we come in!
At Woosh, we are proud to offer a wide variety of high-quality washroom facilities and consumables, like soap and hand sanitisers, including everything you need to create a clean and hygienic environment.
Want to find out more about how we can help you? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly and expert team today to discuss tips and advice and answer your questions on our fantastic products available.
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