Do You Trust Your Washroom Service Provider?
Do you know who you’re in contract with for your washroom provider? This might not have been something you have thought about recently; after all, why would you? But recently, a “top-trusted” washroom provider has been bought out by a new company, and all customer contracts have been moved over. But were you made aware of this change? The short answer is no!
Is Your Washroom Service Provider Being Honest With You?
If this is news to you and you think you might be affected, we strongly advise that you look into your contract and find out exactly who it is you’re doing business with, as it might not be who you initially thought.
Has your Washroom Provider Recently Changed your Contract without your Consent?
This is a significant change and development affecting many businesses’ contracts, but luckily this is something our customers never have to worry about.
At Woosh Washrooms, we are open and transparent in our communication and business with our customers. This is because we value everyone we work with and provide services to, but more than that, there are a wide variety of reasons people choose us for their washroom needs.
Ready to find out what they are?
5 Reasons You Should Choose Woosh
We have pulled together just the top 5 reasons why you should work with Woosh, but rest assured, there are countless more! Here are just a few that we feel should be enough to convince you.
1. No Contracts to Tie You Down
Firstly, and most importantly, with recent developments, at Woosh, we don’t tie you down with sneaky contracts.
We don’t believe in smoke and mirrors, so with our transparent and flexible way of working, you have total peace of mind that you’re never ‘stuck’. Our clients are with us because they want to be, and they stay because they’re happy, not because we’ve trapped them into a service they can no longer back out of!
2. We Take Sustainability Seriously
Lately, every brand or business has tried to stamp sustainability on their products, and in some cases, this isn’t always strictly true. Well, the difference with Woosh is we don't see sustainability as a trend to win over customers; we genuinely care about it.
From collecting waste to be utilised to heat Poole Hospital to floor mats that are made from recycled fishing nets, we do more than just hug trees for pictures!
Find out more about our dedication to sustainability at Planet Woosh.
3. We’re a Team of Real People
Part of our no-fuss, total transparency guarantee is down to our trust with our customers, built on strong client relationships. In fact, they are pivotal to our business and success. But we don’t just expect your trust as a given; we are here to earn it.
We are a team of people dealing with people, no robotic voices and hold music here. We will do everything in our power to help you as quickly as possible with effective communication.
4. We Make You Look Good
At Woosh, we know how important branding and aesthetics are, which is why we are committed to offering products that not only match your style but elevate it. So, whether you’re looking for a dispenser in Corian, stainless steel, or wood? Whatever your decor requirements or desires, we offer custom-built appliances to ensure your washrooms look the part. With our bespoke products, you no longer have to settle for dated, white washroom essentials.
5. We’re With You Every Step of the Way
Now, let’s not kid ourselves; washroom products take a lot of hammering from visitors who just don’t care as we do. But fear not, at Woosh, we replace tired and battered products fast and simple. We make it our mission to rid you of unsightly products before you even realise there’s an issue. We do all of this because we want to make your life easier, and our levels of customisation from start to finish are unmatched.
Get in Touch to Find Out More
Are you ready to make the switch to Woosh Washrooms?
Our friendly team can guide you through seamlessly switching from your current supplier; all you have to do is contact us today. We can also offer you further advice and guidance on our services.
Alternatively, if you’re still browsing, don’t hesitate to explore our range of products on offer. You can find everything from soap and hand towel dispensers to cubicle care and air purification, among much more.
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