PPE Disposal Bins are crucial in separating general waste from contaminated PPE. PPE has the potential to harbour biohazardous substances, meaning it should be placed in a clinical waste bin once used. With our Woosh PPE Disposal Bins, you can ensure you comply with PPE regulations and have a secure method of PPE disposal.
Designed to make disposing of PPE easier, our PPE Disposal Bins come with a pedal mechanism for ease of access and to eliminate the need for touching the bin itself, avoiding cross-contamination. Rounded corners make for easy cleaning, ensuring the whole bin can be sanitised. Our PPE bin comes in yellow to help users identify the potentially biohazardous contents of the bin.
Dimensions (mm): H435 x W400 x D410mm
Disposing of medical waste correctly is a crucial step in the medical field. With a lot of the equipment used in healthcare considered hazardous, it is important to have a dedicated area for PPE disposal. With a Woosh PPE Disposal Bin, you can ensure your medical staff have a safe place to dispose of their PPE. The pedal mechanism allows staff to easily access the disposal bin without touching the bin itself, minimising the risk of cross-contamination and the spread of germs.
The smooth contours of our PPE bin make for easy cleaning, meaning no areas are left unreachable and can be sanitised easily. Our yellow PPE bins also help users identify the contents of the bin. Typically, the colour yellow signifies potentially biohazardous or infectious waste. This ensures personnel in charge of emptying the bin understand the potentially harmful contents. Medical professionals looking for a place to dispose of their PPE in a rush can also easily identify these bins.
Why not take a look at this guide on 5 things you must consider when disposing of medical waste?
Correctly disposing of PPE is vital not only for ensuring the safety of your staff but also for following PPE regulations. With a Woosh PPE Disposal Bin, you can reduce the risk of spreading infectious diseases, keeping your staff and patients safe from harm. Invest in a durable and easy-to-clean PPE Disposal Bin today, and rest assured that your workplace is protected.
However, PPE disposal is only one aspect of safe waste disposal in a clinical environment. At Woosh, we also offer sharps bins, and swabs and dressings disposal to guarantee a safe working environment for your staff and visitors. Get in touch with our Wooshologists today to learn more about our PPE disposal bins and clinical care services.
Once you have finished using disposable PPE, you should remove it, starting with your gloves, then your apron or gown, eye protection, and finally, your surgical mask. You should also ensure you wash your hands thoroughly after removing your PPE. All PPE waste should be deposited in a PPE Disposal Bin lined with a plastic bag.
As soon as you have finished using disposable PPE, it should placed in a clinical waste bin, such as a PPE Disposal Bin. For contaminated PPE disposal, the used PPE that has been exposed to potentially infectious disease should be disposed of by tying the bin bag once full, placing it in a second plastic bag, and then tying it again. The clinical waste should then be stored in a safe area for a maximum of 72 hours. For more information about PPE disposal, see our guide on How and When to Dispose of PPE.
PPE must be used correctly and for its intended purpose. All staff members should be trained in using PPE correctly, including its safe disposal. Any defective PPE should be reported to management to ensure the safety of all staff.